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  • Writer's pictureThyani Rodrigues Puppio

Taxation in Ireland: Tax Opportunities for Digital Nomads

taxation ireland digital nomads

Taxation in Ireland: what are the advantages for digital nomads?


Ireland stands out as an attractive destination for digital nomads, offering a balance between quality of life, business opportunities and an efficient tax system. Understanding the nuances of Irish taxation is essential for anyone wishing to settle temporarily or explore opportunities in the country, ensuring tax compliance and taking advantage of the benefits available.


1. The Irish Tax System: An Overview


Ireland applies the principle of residence for tax purposes. This means that taxation depends on how long the individual spends in the country:

  • Tax Resident: If an individual spends 183 days or more in a tax year (or 280 days combined in two consecutive years), they are considered tax resident and are subject to tax on their worldwide income.

  • Non-Resident: Anyone who spends less than 183 days in Ireland is taxed only on income earned in Ireland. This includes income from employment carried out in the country and from property located in Ireland.


2. Double taxation treaties


Ireland has a wide network of double taxation treaties with various countries, which helps to avoid double taxation of the same income. These treaties are particularly useful for digital nomads, who often have sources of income in multiple jurisdictions. It is essential to check the specific terms of the treaty between Ireland and the digital nomad's home country to understand their tax obligations and avoid surprises.


3. Personal Income Tax and Social Security


  • Ireland has a progressive income tax rate, with rates of 20 per cent for incomes up to a certain threshold and 40 per cent for incomes above that threshold.

  • In addition to income tax, there are social security contributions (PRSI) and a universal income tax (USC) that must also be taken into account.

  • For those who are self-employed, it is compulsory to register and declare their income to Revenue, the Irish tax authority. 

4. Tax Benefits and Incentives


  • Ireland offers some tax incentives to attract talent and companies, including a partial exemption scheme for employees of foreign companies who are transferred to Ireland (Special Assignee Relief Programme - SARP).

  • In addition, Ireland is known for its favourable environment for start-ups, with specific incentives and support for technology companies.


5. Considerations for Digital Nomads in Ireland


Ireland is not only attractive for its tax advantages, but also for its welcoming culture and vibrant social scene. For many digital nomads, choosing Ireland as a destination can be an opportunity to explore a new environment while enjoying a sense of community and belonging. The combination of a clear tax system and a welcoming cultural environment makes Ireland an attractive choice for those seeking a work-life balance.


6. Conclusion


Ireland offers a favourable tax system and many opportunities for digital nomads who want to explore new possibilities. Understanding the tax rules and benefits available is key to ensuring compliance and tax optimisation. At the same time, the experience of living in Ireland can provide not only economic advantages, but also cultural and personal enrichment.

In order to make the most of Ireland, it is essential to find a qualified tax lawyer to ensure tax compliance and avoid double taxation.

If you are interested in hiring professional legal services related to Tax Planning, we are a firm specialising in the subject. To do so, please contact us by e-mail:, or by WhatsApp.



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